Earlier that day, however, neither of us were looking too happy when we realized someone had palmed a bracelet, including the display, right from under our noses. I've experienced the entitlement of shoplifters twice, both times middle-aged and older women, near as we can tell. I've gradually been leaving the glass off the side displays, but next year they are going back up. I really want people to try things on and have fun poking around, but I can't afford giving my products away. We make everything by hand, not buying and reselling components. So once again, a few ruin it for everyone else.
On a happier note, we get so many questions about shopping on our website. I will be making an earnest effort in the next week or two to get things listed and start keeping items up for sale year round. My aim is to redo some of the categories by collections and such, so keep an eye out. Photographing, editing and listing takes time.
Between all this, I'm also carving out time to enjoy the holidays. I hope you do too!