My advice whenever you go to the Met is get there first thing as the doors open. This is an exhibit that will lure you in and you will want to marvel and savor each item. More enjoyable in some solitude than elbowing for a better look. By the time we left the museum early afternoon, the whole building was just mobbed.
While in New York City in March for a trade show, we visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I was blown away by a new exhibit: Art of Native America - The Charles and Valerie Diker Collection. This exhibit of master crafts from fifty cultures across North America opened last fall and is ongoing. The most beautiful bead embroidery, weaving, baskets, sculpture and more that I have ever seen. The work spans pre-European settlement in the Americas to the early 20th century. My photos don't do any of it justice, but I'm hoping I'll entice you to either go see it live, or get the book. If you are a seed bead enthusiast, weaver, woodworker - and craftsman or lover of fine crafts of any sort - this is for you. My advice whenever you go to the Met is get there first thing as the doors open. This is an exhibit that will lure you in and you will want to marvel and savor each item. More enjoyable in some solitude than elbowing for a better look. By the time we left the museum early afternoon, the whole building was just mobbed.